An attempt at blackmail

There are these people they call assistant lecturers. I would rather call them teaching assistants because I really don’t see their use at the university; they only come to collect assignments when the professor has decided to dodge class.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

There are these people they call assistant lecturers. I would rather call them teaching assistants because I really don’t see their use at the university; they only come to collect assignments when the professor has decided to dodge class. Well, we were in an exam and a friend asked me for a calculator, this junior lecturer looked at us and came running. With a look on his face that said, "finally I have got them,” he came running but luckily the professor knew about lending and borrowing calculators so he was okay with it. The shame on this guy’s face was stronger than the energy he used when running to nab us cheating! But I successfully made it through the paper, with the guys still strongly fixed on me. After about a month, we were out and we found this junior lecturer at Sundowner and he was trying to ask some lady to dance with him. The lady refused to and we couldn’t keep our phones away; we had to take a picture to keep until the time was right. The next semester came quick and this guy started his usual arrangements, going as far as refusing to receive our assignments just because we were five minutes late! We sent him an email from an anonymous account showing the pictures of that night attached and an extra write up on the side. I understand pictures earn a story more credibility. I have never seen this man treat us so good. He actually even stays behind waiting for those who dodged the class to hand him their work - sometimes even until the following day. Well we managed to get lucky until the day I was the only one who didn’t hand in and he went without my work. I threatened him again and the spotlight was on me. He pointed me out and we went to talk. Right now, we are good friends and this guy has resumed to torturing the rest of the students. Lucky me!