Celebrating a true hero

I live my life with so many regrets. My childhood had great days, bad ones and even horrifying moments that still traumatise me to this day.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I live my life with so many regrets. My childhood had great days, bad ones and even horrifying moments that still traumatise me to this day. I’m not the same person I was back in the day. I was inspired by someone in elementary school. I personally hated him because he seemed to have it all together! Everything that Crispus did, he did to perfection. Teachers loved him and parents admired him. Besides being our class captain, he was asked to be the first lower class head boy. My hatred for him grew that very moment. He behaved the way the school expected him to behave. I think he even exceeded their expectations sometimes. Living a life of holiness, he always woke up early, prayed and took a bath which most of us were less reluctant to do. He went from bed to bed waking us up.A year later when I confirmed that I was joining primary six, without any hesitation, I checked if he was going to be the chosen head boy for the lower classes or the assistant overall head boy but to my surprise he wasn’t.Every student celebrated! He reported to school two and a half weeks late. As kids laughed at him from the class windows, I felt sorry for the poor fellow.I remember that school term like it was yesterday. It was probably the worst for him. Everything was not the same for him, not even his former prefect friends talked to him.One day around lunch time I bumped into him as he walked by. I said, "Hey, watch where you’re going. Next time my words will be accompanied with blows.” He walked away without a word.Later that day, I was awakened by the smell of smoke and the chocking sounds of children in my dormitory.When I came to my full senses, I noticed that the dormitory was on fire and I had no clue how to escape. Most of the students had escaped with Crispus’ help.I was already choking. I remember hearing students calling out Crispus’ name and teachers shouting outside.Crispus called out my name and found me stuck under a bed and all I remember is him saying we were going to make it.When I woke up, I was in the hospital. The police questioned teachers about the cause of the fire. I was questioned on what had happened to my saviour and I didn’t know. I was then informed that after pushing me out, he was engulfed by flames and perished. Six other children lost their lives in that fire.Life since that day has never been the same and I regret not being as nice as I could have been to any of the students that died in that fire, especially Crispus. He was a true hero.