Will it ever be okay to date a workmate?

I have failed to understand why dating a workmate is considered so wrong. My understanding is; these are two responsible adults who can take responsibility for their actions even when things go south.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I have failed to understand why dating a workmate is considered so wrong. My understanding is; these are two responsible adults who can take responsibility for their actions even when things go south. Work shouldn’t hinder the relationship from blossoming. Besides, even if it was a one night stand, road gig, or a fortnight of casual sex with a workmate, I see no problem, unless one of the parties has a chronicle disease or is the ‘kiss and tell’ type.Annoying is an underestimation when one is the centre of ridicule because they date or have dated a workmate.  I ceased being the judgmental type after hearing out a young lady who resides next door.Landing a great job didn’t only change her broke status, Josiane also met the man of her dreams. Moses was charming, loving, genius, gentle, handsome loaded, you name it.The two shared an office, Josiane was his assistant. They were the perfect team at work and made a lot of profits for the company. The senior bosses marveled at the mental power of the couple.  Customers, unaware of their love story, often called them the perfect match. After two years together, walking down the aisle was the next planned step.However, their love story crashed last week. The company advised one of them to resign, since dating a workmate was improper and unethical. The couple broke up because neither was willing to sacrifice their job. Days later the company fired the lady. Apparently they didn’t want her sharing an office with a person she was no longer on good terms with. It would affect the productivity.If you ask me, things would have been okay if the company had come to terms with the ‘relationship at work.’ I stand to be corrected but I insist it should only be on grounds of incompetence, disrespect or taking a job for granted that a worker is fired or advised to resign. But not because of cupid!It’s easy to fall for a workmate. You spend most of the time together anyway. Besides, with the crazy busy world, some barely get time to hook up and mingle, that makes work the most suitable place for a mate. It would be wrong making out at work but loving a workmate without bothering anyone is okay.Look at finding love at work in black and white, it’s your choice. Meanwhile the day my heart sends me out to a workmate, with a love package; I will inform you about the wedding.