Weird and wacky world

Names banned around the world A court in Texas has ordered parents of a seven-month old baby to change his name from Messiah to Martin. Here are other names that have got parents into trouble: 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Names banned around the world A court in Texas has ordered parents of a seven-month old baby to change his name from Messiah to Martin. Here are other names that have got parents into trouble:  Blaer - Earlier this year a 15-year-old Icelandic girl won the right to keep her name, after overturning a ban. In Icelandic it means "light breeze”, but had been designated one of 1712 male names (there are 1853 female ones) and so she had known on official documents simply as "girl”. The lists exist to avoid embarrassment for the children, and are based on meeting certain rules of grammar and Gemma. Gesher - The Norwegian mother of this child was put in prison after failing to pay a fine for using an unapproved name. Protesting in court, Kristi Larsen claimed that she had been instructed to name her 14th child Gesher - the Hebrew for Bridge - in a dream. Norway is another country that has a list of approved names for prospective parents to use. Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 - Apparently pronounced "Albin”, this name was chosen in protest at Sweden’s strict naming laws. Swedish parents and individuals looking to have their name changed have to clear both the first and last name with the country’s tax authorities.