Should couples co-own everything? ( Sharing is caring)

There have been arguments on whether couples should share property and I feel people are ignoring the sharing trait which we were taught in school. The act of sharing has been attributed to the sprit of showing someone that you actually care for them.  Why should sharing material things be an issue in a relationship? What happened to the common English saying ‘sharing is caring’?

Thursday, August 15, 2013
Doreen umutesi

There have been arguments on whether couples should share property and I feel people are ignoring the sharing trait which we were taught in school. The act of sharing has been attributed to the sprit of showing someone that you actually care for them.  Why should sharing material things be an issue in a relationship? What happened to the common English saying ‘sharing is caring’? According to an article ‘When Does ‘Yours’ and ‘Mine’ Become ‘Ours?’ which  is published on Webcache,  trust is a factor in any relationship. It indicates that a couple should do an honest mental assessment of their partner’s character, if the romance ever broke down, would they deal fairly and honestly with any debt or responsibilities? Or would they leave you holding the bag?It’s so illogical for a couple to enter into a property agreement whether married or unmarried. It’s the introduction of such agreements that has given rise to ‘gold-diggers’ and marriages with compromise thus increasing the divorce rate in our society today. This property contract system that allows couples to determine the status and ownership of certain property in an event of separation has caused more harm than good. I understand that it was introduced as a way of solving property conflicts in cases of separation. A polite question is didn’t our forefathers have marital –property conflicts? Did they have to sign prenuptial agreements? No they didn’t!  In the Rwandan culture we had a way of solving conflicts regarding property but not necessary signing an agreement prior to the marriage. The moment you start signing these property agreements, it’s like you have welcomed or depicted doom in the relationship. I will boldly say that signing for instance a prenuptial agreement or how to separate property when the marriage hits the rocks before it actually happens is a clear indication that there is no trust amongst the couple. So why bother getting into a relationship which is not built on trust?I don’t know about you but as for me and my boyfriend/husband, we are so going to share everything because I believe if you care about someone, you share everything with them! I will definitely exercise the sharing trait so as to honour what my nursery teachers at Martyrs Way Nursery School in Ntinda taught me.