Should couples co-own everything? (That is not a wise move)

I highly suggest that everyone stays with what they had before marriage. If I worked for my property before and after, why should I share it with someone who just came into my life? If I met a girl when I was already wealthy, how sure am I that she doesn’t have ill intentions?

Thursday, August 15, 2013
Patrick Buchana

I highly suggest that everyone stays with what they had before marriage. If I worked for my property before and after, why should I share it with someone who just came into my life? If I met a girl when I was already wealthy, how sure am I that she doesn’t have ill intentions?

People are willing to do anything for money and you will be shocked when a year after marriage, your woman finds out that she would be much happier with a large chunk of your money than staying with you. Even though prenups are not exactly a trend in Rwanda, couples who bring personal or business assets to the marriage can benefit from this agreement. The most basic is an inventory of premarital assets that in the event of a divorce will remain the property of their original owner."Well stated property agreements are good because they preserve the expectations of the parties and prevent surprises in a divorce trial,” says attorney Bob Nachshin, a partner in family law firm Nachshin & Langlois LLP in Los Angeles.  "In my 34 years of practice, I’ve never seen a property sharing agreement that wasn’t enforced by the court.”Part of the property I own could be from inheritance and my brothers and sisters still have to benefit from it, so how can I share this with my wife? If a soon-to-be spouse takes the signing of such an agreement in a not so noble way, then that should be a clear sign of someone who isn’t genuinely marrying the other for the right reason. The main reason why people sign this agreement is because of unfortunate future circumstances like divorce. In other words, why should I share my property with someone I might divorce? Besides, if I’ve failed to live with her, how fair is it that I should share my stuff with her?This should also teach people to work for their own property. It’s absurd for someone to just sit at home enjoying their spouse’s hard work – talking trips to the mall and salon and wherever at their expense!To avoid future complications, both parties top exit the relationship the way they came. If one has a problem with that, then they can make it a priority to enter their next marriage with something to their name.