Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

This is probably the dumbest statement that the human race has ever adopted. Okay, that is a bit harsh. But really, why do relationships between a man and a woman have to be downgraded to a transaction? I was touring one my favourite blogs and there was a debate under a video.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

This is probably the dumbest statement that the human race has ever adopted. Okay, that is a bit harsh. But really, why do relationships between a man and a woman have to be downgraded to a transaction? I was touring one my favourite blogs and there was a debate under a video.

The man in the video was basically saying if you are not married, you are single. And that is just irritating because a lot of beautiful things come out of relationships when people are not married.

The ‘vlogger’ gave examples such as women giving their apartment keys to their guys, playing house with the boyfriend, being with each other all the time and of course, having unprotected sex.

These all seem like marital acts. The ‘vlogger’ does make sense to a certain extent but to say that unless you are married you are single, simply does not make sense because he is opening up the pandora’s box for men or women to think they do not have to be fully committed to their partner unless they seal the deal legally. 

I understand that these days, people get into really bad relationships. For example, I had friends back in university who liked to date athletes. She would go over and cook while he was at practice, bring over groceries, and even worse, do all his sweaty and stinky laundry, which is fine if you are in a fully committed relationship but they weren’t. They were casually dating and he would not even acknowledge her in public, which did eventually hurt her. 

On the other hand, when we look at the people we know whether in real life or in the celebrity world who have lived with partners for years and years unmarried, would that insinuate that they are still able to go and date? I’m pretty sure Oprah and Steadman do not date outside their relationship and they are not married. I know couples who couldn’t afford a wedding when they were young but were committed to starting a family so they did it without being legally married and it has worked out for them. Marriage does not mean full commitment - whatever works for you is what you should do.

I really hope men were not watching that and thinking that this gives them the space to be foolish because they are not married. I say men because all the marital acts he suggested were mostly directed to women. What do you ladies think? Should we think that because we are not married we should not care for our partners?