Candidates’ moment of truth is close

To the candidates particularly those at primary, ordinary and advanced level, it is pretty obvious that this is the last academic term of 2013. Those in primary know that the time to step up into the secondary school life is beckoning. Those at the ordinary level are looking forward to moving to the advance level while those at the advanced cannot wait to make it to a higher institution of learning.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

To the candidates particularly those at primary, ordinary and advanced level, it is pretty obvious that this is the last academic term of 2013. Those in primary know that the time to step up into the secondary school life is beckoning. Those at the ordinary level are looking forward to moving to the advance level while those at the advanced cannot wait to make it to a higher institution of learning. Besides those in candidate classes, the third term again remains a very busy and serious time to any student in school. Candidates know very well that at the end of the term they will have to sit a national examination while for others this is the very term that determines whether one is to be promoted to the next class or advised to repeat. We should remember the adage, ‘what you sow is what you reap.’ As students return from the short holiday, there is indeed no time to waste especially for candidates. The time to polish up and be ready for the exams at the end of the year is now. According to the candidates who shared their views with me, it was obvious that every candidate has a set a goal which must successfully be achieved at the end of this year."I believe this is the final term to show our parents that the resources they invested in us since the very beginning were not a waste. We need to bring a smile on their faces by excelling highly with good grades that are worthy of recognition and appreciation.” Kirezi Linda, S.6HEG"It is time to forget those extended hours in bed, wake up early and work extra hard so that we may yield something tangible at the end of the day and remember success is a sure deal to a willing person.” Mulema Deo, S.6PCM"It is high time for us to improve on every single aspect of our studies if we are to expect good results at the end of the day. Iribagiza Gloria, S.3  Those were some of the students I talked to but still I am sure that their views tend to represent the general mood in school right now. Dear fellow candidates, it is time to take our studies as our first priority, give it value and the necessary time it requires. We should strive for success and work for it now if we are to enjoy a better life in future. Best wishes!The writer is a student at Kagarama S.S, Form 6HEG