Are you prepared for the third term?

The short holiday has eventually come to an end and students all over Rwanda are back in class for the third term of the year. The third term is a crucial term since the examinations at the end of the term determine one’s next step on the academic ladder.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The short holiday has eventually come to an end and students all over Rwanda are back in class for the third term of the year. The third term is a crucial term since the examinations at the end of the term determine one’s next step on the academic ladder. Education Times is aware that some schools set examinations or call them tests at the beginning of the year. The aim according to most teachers is to ensure that when students break off for holiday, they do not switch off their minds as far as academics is concerned. In other words, holiday time is for slowing down the pace of learning without stopping completely. With national exams slated for the end of the term, these beginning of term exams help to keep students in good academic shape. There is also a perennial problem of late coming whenever schools open. There are some students who have made it a habit to always report to school late for no apparent reason. The first days of the school term are often characterised by empty desks. Now with the anticipation of an exam in the first week of school, the laggards have no option but to show up on time. This is because the results of the beginning of the term exams are often computed to make up a percentage of the final results which are used to determine who will be promoted and who may be advised to repeat. This being the third term, teachers, parents and of course students must immediately get serious and play their roles. For those in candidate classes, hard work is all that is expected of you.