The effects of cultural differences

Several years ago, I faced the effects of cultural differences. It was at this mega party that Aggrey and I had organized – yes indeed, we had sealed a lucrative deal in town. Whenever we earned some cash, we always insisted on inviting friends and foes for a mega drinking session.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Several years ago, I faced the effects of cultural differences. It was at this mega party that Aggrey and I had organized – yes indeed, we had sealed a lucrative deal in town. Whenever we earned some cash, we always insisted on inviting friends and foes for a mega drinking session.

But then we had to create a valid reason for throwing the party. And that is how we ended up announcing that it happened to be Aggrey’s birthday.So word was spread out like a bush fire. All friends and enemies were soon streaming towards our modest home for the birthday party. They carried boxes of birthday presents as well as loaded bottles full of hot spirits.

The loud speakers were already perched up in all four corners of the garden as loud music blasted and filled the air. Aggrey and I had stocked the fridges with all tribes of booze. We had also secured some special drinks for the ladies. These were bottles of Baileys; a drink which resembles African tea.Anyways, as I said before, guests flooded in with birthday presents wrapped in huge boxes. As guests filled in, Aggrey received his gifts in style. For men, Aggrey pounded his head against theirs three times.

As for the ladies, he planted three kisses onto their velvet faces. For me, this was quite a new phenomenon which I felt that I had to partake! That is why I grabbed one of the gentlemen and proceeded to bang my head against his. Wow! The experience was not the very best as I immediately earned myself a serious headache.Upon evaluating the situation, I decided that I would neglect this head butting business with the male guests. In light of this, I decided to try this experiment on the ladies. It was disastrous. Instead of targeting the lady’s cheeks, I innocently went for the lips.

Before you could blink your eyes twice, a blow emerged from nowhere, flooring me in the process. It was like a rocket. When I finally managed to open my eyes, the party had ended many hours ago!Indeed, I had been exposed to the true colors of cultural differences!