Rwanda can also diversify her culture

Dear editor, Rwanda is one of the countries in the world that have managed to maintain and preserve her culture.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Dear editor,

Rwanda is one of the countries in the world that have managed to maintain and preserve her culture.

There is no other culture that is similar to that of Rwanda, though some beliefs are common in various African cultures.

On the other hand, to promote a culture of ours further, diversifying it will be a necessity. Without losing its originality, blending certain areas of it with modern bits would be excellent. This is most applicable in the area of entertainment and arts.

Works and dances done by professional artists are selling overseas simply because these artists have managed to blend the Rwandan art and dance with modern styles resulting into a new style of original contemporary Rwandan art that is highly selling.

It is encouraging to know that artists are improving by far in making new creations of the Rwandan culture. More local artists should be encouraged to diversify their work so that it can sell.
