Can we let go the past already?

I am constantly reminded of how rebellious I was as a teenager. I get all these old folks trying to make conversations with me and they assume that the best way to go about it is to make alive my past.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

I am constantly reminded of how rebellious I was as a teenager. I get all these old folks trying to make conversations with me and they assume that the best way to go about it is to make alive my past.These lousy people that lack better things to do are the very ones who meet people after a few years and they shout out loud in public. Usually the nonsense they scream out is something like this "oh my goodness Lillian, you have grown!” Retard, did you think I was going to remain stagnant or do people not grow where you come from?Moving on to my high school days, I can bet that by now the President of the country knows that I was a notorious child when I was growing up, all because people have chosen to stick to that part of my life, they just won’t shut up!Well truth be told, I had my time and I would freaking do it again if whoever is in charge of time decided to turn back those hands. On the other hand I think it is cute that I had all these people following me around instead of living their lives but can we now let go?Are humans so evil that they only choose to concentrate on the "bad” past as compared to the good that I am currently doing? I put bad in quotation marks because these self made angels believe what I was doing was bad, in fact it was so bad it has never left their heads. It is to my understanding that some of these fellows still frequent bars and night clubs in their late fifties because they missed out on that part of their lives, all because they were playing saint while I did what teenagers do. I would have judged them but I will not, I would however like to understand how it feels to be in the same club as your grandchildren.You probably are wondering what the beef is all about and why I am continuously ranting. But like I have mentioned, people have to learn to let go. I am not the same freaking person I was last year and neither am I the sixteen year old girl you are still making subject of your conversations. Some of us are always looking for ways to better ourselves; we experience different things that affect us time and again.Now if you are still stuck in the past, not letting go, I suggest you find an alternate universe and settle down there because this one is definitely not the place for you.