The cutie who tried to play me

If this has never happened to you then watch out because in one way or another you’re bound to fall in the same trap.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

If this has never happened to you then watch out because in one way or another you’re bound to fall in the same trap.It was like any other day. I felt lucky that day and was so excited about banking my school fees for the second time on my own.I remember having a short conversation with my mum about my school necessities and my school grades, which had declined the previous school term.At school, fellow students bragged about how they banked their own school fees and I was the only one among my friends who had never been spotted at the bank. The first time my mum escorted me to the teller and I had to bank with her eyeing me, so that time didn’t count. This time round she dropped me off outside the bank. I was surprised because there was a long queue of clients waiting to deposit or withdraw. Some of them were my friends!I said hello to the guys and lined up behind this smoking hot girl. I couldn’t stop looking at her, she looked like she had just dropped from heaven. Her face distracted me from my friends’ ongoing conversation.I can’t tell my friends that she was the reason I was almost hoaxed. When you are in the queue, trust me, anything that passes will always catch your attention. My eyes were all over the place from passersby to flies, cars, name it. There was this one guy who caught my eye because among the envelopes he was carrying, one seemed similar to mine. He walked right up to my side, ignored my presence and greeted the girl ahead. I didn’t really care because I thought he knew her. As I eavesdropped, he seemed to be asking for directions to another bank.The girl was told him where to go. He thanked her and as he departed, "boom” he bumped into me and all his envelopes fell down and he straight away apologised and told me not to bother picking them.He collected his envelopes and left. As he left I thought to myself, What a weird guy? Why wouldn’t he let me help? I nodded my head and before I could take a step ahead in the moving line, I noticed the envelope that resembled mine and rushed to pick it up. On getting up the girl in front of me had turned and bent over so my head collided with her lower jaw and that truly must have hurt. I ended up holding both envelops in one hand, hence mixing them, to comfort her before telling her that the lost guy had dropped one of his envelops.There was no way we could locate the envelope owner because he was long gone, this accident didn’t deter the pretty girl from asking me if she could check out the envelope.I gave her one and when she opened it she seemed not to care and she said it was nothing but papers so she suggested that we could throw it in the dustbin that was being emptied by the cleaners. She walked gracefully as I opened the envelop that I had remained with to be sure that I had given her the right one. I couldn’t believe my eyes when my envelope had the papers and the girl had ‘dumped’ the other envelop in the bin and disappeared in a flash. I let out a cry and my friends stopped retrieved my envelope before it was taken for good!  I couldn’t believe my luck when I got it back. Be very careful – conmen (and cute girls) are all around!