Send the ‘Mama’s boy’ packing!

A man so dependent on his mother is nothing but a grown baby, he only lacks pampers. I would definitely settle with a homosexual, a cheat, an extremely talkative bastard, you name it, but not a man with a ridiculous relationship with his mother - unless she hails from Mars or has supernatural powers.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

A man so dependent on his mother is nothing but a grown baby, he only lacks pampers. I would definitely settle with a homosexual, a cheat, an extremely talkative bastard, you name it, but not a man with a ridiculous relationship with his mother - unless she hails from Mars or has supernatural powers. As a teenager, I found it ‘cool’ when a guy mentioned his mother in every single phrase but not anymore. I now understand why a friend added to her husband search list, "he should be a total orphan or motherless at least.” Many times, mama’s boys are a waste of space, even when their mothers want them to embrace independence. At the beginning it’s all rosy. Mama’s boys can be sweet and romantic. They won’t commit those typical male mistakes like not holding your hand, forgetting your name while introducing you to friends or lifting and putting back the toilet seat.

Naturally, their mother provided enough schooling on that. You only know you are headed to a lifetime of doom the moment you are introduced to the mother. Obviously you have stood the suffocating conversations about how the mother is their hero though you might need to re-think an introductory meeting to the old lady.Apart from not pronouncing your name correctly, she will have two or three negative comments about you. If the way you behave is perfect, it will zero down to the looks, or little invisible habits you personally haven’t recognised, the likes of how you carry the fork or how you munch on crisps. To the unlucky ones, meeting the mother yields an approval into marriage, another hell on earth with the mama’s boy.He is immature and can’t make any independent decisions for the family before consulting the ‘intelligent mother’ while your children miss school for days because money was stupidly invested into the mother’s ‘needs.  Rest assured, your role won’t be wife, since you have adopted the big baby. You will cook, wash, cook and cook some more; everything the mother used to do will transfer to you. This is the kind of man who will be victim to manipulation, he is definitely used to being thought for so what do you expect?  Your mother in-law will definitely run two homes, yours and hers. It will hurt when he remembers her birthday but not your anniversary. 

And since he prioritises the mother’s advice, worse will happen when she suggests joining you for the honeymoon.  If yours is anything like this, run for dear life. Go grow onions if need be than wasting time on babysitting an adult.