When ‘papers’ beat knowledge and skills

It is against my religion to admit that around my humble abode, gossip is served and devoured as an essential daily treat.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

It is against my religion to admit that around my humble abode, gossip is served and devoured as an essential daily treat. So you will excuse me when I completely ignore the Bible counsel that stipulates that "one should not stand in judgment of a fellow man.” Allow me to judge the ever increasing people who knowing or unknowingly live a phony life. Seeing the big number of people, especially the working class, which streams to both local and foreign universities which are also mushrooming, one can’t help but wear sunglasses before they peep into the future of this country for fear of being blinded by its brightness. What dampens my soul however is the increasing  number  of people who  sacrifice a lot of  time and dime to go school, not necessarily to acquire knowledge and skills, but to get ‘papers’. And who can blame them? After all what most interviewers are mostly interested in are the ‘papers’. When a man learns to scoop soup, his woman learns to make it watery. If papers are what they want, papers are what they get.Others go to school for the status. You hear people say, I have money, so I don’t think I’m going to get any richer because of education.  But it sure sounds and feels good to have a degree or masters to your name. Many people know that to be regarded as respectable or to get a good job one must be married. So one just picks one seemingly decent person and they tie the knot to get the promotion and hush society that believes that if the son of soil is done with education and he wears a tie to work and is not married, then there is something wrong with them.And they don’t stop at worrying about close relatives pushing them till they marry. The same people will judge you if you don’t go to church on Sundays, it doesn’t matter if you have faith or believe that as long as you are a church goer you are not in the black book. And by the way, after marriage, should you take a year before giving birth; you are immediately termed barren – hence the baby popping competition!