Would you relocate to another country for love? (Follow your heart anywhere!)

I believe and support people who say that love is blind and it can make a man do the most outrageous things in life. If I was head over heels in love with someone, I would definitely move to the end of the world if need be since we belong together, and that is called following your heart.

Thursday, August 08, 2013
Doreen umutes

I believe and support people who say that love is blind and it can make a man do the most outrageous things in life. If I was head over heels in love with someone, I would definitely move to the end of the world if need be since we belong together, and that is called following your heart. When you want something so badly why not just go out and get it?  Finding your true love, as in someone who really makes your world stop each time you gaze into their eyes is something that comes once in a lifetime. I don’t see why it should be hard to move in with him even if he stays in at Vostok Station, Antarctica which is one of the coldest places on Earth.I know most people may argue that they would not move to a strange land for love because it’s very hard to leave family and friends to start a new life elsewhere. Sometimes you just have to do what you think is right for you and I believe family and friends will always stand by you in each new step in life. If you are sure this person is the love of your life then I don’t see why you can’t just jump into the boat and enjoy the new existing life. The 5 Tips for Moving to a New Country for Love published online at darlaantoine.com states that following your heart to a new country can be the epitome of romance for some. But without proper planning and preparation the honeymoon can come to a screeching halt shortly after the novelty of your new surroundings wears off and the frustrations of adjusting to a new culture begin.The five tips before moving include; find at least two other reasons to move, journal, reflect & meditate, the theory of intercultural adaptation is your friend, be independent and relax and enjoy. The fifth tip states that you’re in love and you’re on an adventure of a new life in a new country. Congratulations! How many people can say they’ve done what you’re doing? Maybe you’ll be there six months or 60 years-- whatever the case, enjoy every minute of it! Just like the common English saying states, ‘try and fail but don’t fail to try’ I don’t see why you can’t move to another country for love.