Sector human rights volunteers get bicycles

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Human rights volunteers in Gicumbi district have received the bicycles donated recently  by the Rwanda Human Rights Commission (RHRC).

Monday, July 14, 2008


GICUMBI — Human rights volunteers in Gicumbi district have received the bicycles donated recently  by the Rwanda Human Rights Commission (RHRC).

The 21 bicycles were handed over by an official of RHRC at the district headquarters last Friday. Officiating at the ceremony, Théoneste Habineza of RHRC, said beneficiaries are charged with the task of protecting the violation of children, women and other people’s rights at Sector level.

"The beneficiaries have already received basic training in fundamental human rights principles,” said Habineza.

In addition, each volunteer received one mobile phone handset of Motorola type, and a certificate in basic human rights training. 

The rights official explained that the volunteers would be heads of Human Rights committees at Sector and district level.

"Their main task includes protecting children against domestic violence or denial to education among rural communities and ensuring girls receive equal education opportunities as the boys,” added Habineza.

He also further said the volunteers would ensure the protection of other human rights violations such as wife beating among rural folks and to ensure the equal representation of women and men at all local leadership levels.

During the occasion, the volunteers signed contracts with RHRC committing them to use the acquired facilities for the sole purpose of spearheading human rights.
