Tell Chaka...

It is holiday time, so what next. I know most of you have already set plans for this one month holiday. You have plans of visiting relatives, touring new places and moving out with friends, mention it all. 

Monday, July 14, 2008

It is holiday time, so what next. I know most of you have already set plans for this one month holiday. You have plans of visiting relatives, touring new places and moving out with friends, mention it all. 

The few students I have talked to have told me that they are going to concentrate mostly on their books. They said it is a short holiday.

I think this is a very brilliant idea and wish all the candidates had the same plan. Still in all the plans you have made, make sure that you also create leisure time for yourselves.

As the saying goes, "Work without play makes Jack a dull boy.” It is necessary to also go out and play with your friends.

Creative games and sports can make anyone relax. They also help us to discover our talents. It is also fun playing our favourite games with our friends. Playing different games does not make us happy only it also makes us physically fit.

Interacting with our friends during games and sports also helps us to deal with different personalities hence getting to know how to deal with complicated issues.

Alongside playing and reading our books, you should also consider helping the house cleaners or our parents with the domestic work. 

Parents will need a hand in different things because holidays are a time to spend with them. In conclusion, let me wish you a happy holiday.  