Getting to know your child better

It’s hard not to notice that most children are spending a lot of time seated in front of the television instead of participating in more productive activities. 

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

It’s hard not to notice that most children are spending a lot of time seated in front of the television instead of participating in more productive activities. 

Most children are left under the responsibility of their caretakers, where some do not pay close attention to the children because they are busy doing other house chores. 

Parents need to keep track of what their children do while they are away at work.  In fact, they should prioritise that in the morning before they head to work, they actually know what activities the child will be involved in than just rushing out of the house because there is a maid to take care of that. 

Parents should take the responsibility of making holiday schedules for their children even as they are away from home during the day. 

There are several holiday activities such as extravaganzas for kids or holiday bashes by community churches or corporate organisations. These programmes are not only educative but entertaining; most of them are also health boosters given the co-curricular activities involved.  

As a parent, sparing time to join children in these activities is another way of bonding with them. 

Once in a while parents should also play with the children; this way, the child will find it easier to talk about school and the hardships they go through. If a child is bullied at school by other children, you will sense it in the way they socialise. 

Some of the activities that children and parents can indulge in together include swimming (if the child does not know how to swim they can get swimming lessons from different recreational centres), bike riding, tennis, basketball, volleyball and other sports disciplines.