(Men Talk) I don’t enjoy my man’s company anymore!

I am 26 years old and have been dating my partner for eight years now.  Just like any loving couple, I never had any serious doubts about our relationship until about six months ago. I found a new job as a receptionist and I befriended a male co-worker. We started hanging out.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

I am 26 years old and have been dating my partner for eight years now.  Just like any loving couple, I never had any serious doubts about our relationship until about six months ago. I found a new job as a receptionist and I befriended a male co-worker. We started hanging out.

I knew from the start I was physically attracted to him and started yearning for a romantic relationship with him. I started feeling guilty for having feelings for another man. I would often fantasise about being with my co-worker and imagining how happy we would be together. I don’t enjoy my boyfriend’s company as much anymore. I need help. 

Sabrina, 26

Better the devil you know than the angel you don’t
He who tries to win all loses all and a bird at hand is worth two in the bush. Before you hop on the new wagon, I believe you have some house-cleaning to do. Like they say, better the devil you know than the angel you don’t. It’s only wise to first get to know more about this new guy before you put him on that pedestal. 
First be sure it’s not a crush or infatuation that you have for this man to avoid a mess in the future.
Deal with your current relationship and fix whatever needs to be fixed because it doesn’t sound like you are in a bad one.
To be honest, you strike me as selfish and inconsiderate. Have you given thought to the time your boyfriend invested in the relationship too? Keep looking in the wrong direction and you will end up very miserable. 
Martin, 29, is single
Don’t throw a good relationship away!
You are in a tough spot my dear, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get out of it. Encounters with a new person that you are attracted to will certainly feel more exciting than your time with your boyfriend. You can’t compare the two. When you started dating your guy, I’m betting it was the greatest feeling, till now.
You know they say guys will always act up when they want a girl, and when they get her, they will eventually go back to their wolf character. I’m not saying all guys do this.  
There is a saying that goes better the devil you know than the angel you don’t. If you managed to date him for eight years and things haven’t gone south or he hasn’t cheated, that’s a real man you’ve got there so be good to him before you lose him.
Are you simply with him because you have invested time in the relationship? I think you need to back away from the new guy because you will lose something really great.  
Patrick, 22, is in a stable relationship 
Your boyfriend deserves better
Wow! You have been dating a really nice guy for eight years and now that you have met a new one (who is a little exciting and fun) you are questioning a relationship you yourself said isn’t bad at all?  
Here’s the thing, if your colleague was really into a serious relationship with you, he would never let you get that close to him knowing you have a man. Eight years is too much to just throw away and jump onto another guy’s back - of which you aren’t even sure if it will work out! I would advise that if you are thinking of dating your colleague then I’m happy for your boyfriend because he totally deserves better.
However, should you consider staying with your guy, then be serious and avoid lusting or falling for other guys. If you have an issue with him, talk to him and sort it out without running into the arms of another guy. 
Lincoln, 32, lives with his girlfriend