Transforming the future of science, technology

A team of six professors from the University of Agder Norway joined Kigali institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in a bid to transform the future of science and technology as per the Vision 2020 statement on science, technology and innovation.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

A team of six professors from the University of Agder Norway joined Kigali institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in a bid to transform the future of science and technology as per the Vision 2020 statement on science, technology and innovation.According to the acting Rector of KIST Dr. Christine M Gasingirwa, the objective of this two day workshop is to bring together academicians, researchers, civil society and students to discuss latest innovations and trends, exchange professional experiences and concerns in science and technology.This workshop is organized in line with the partnership agreement which was signed between KIST and the University of Agder (UiA) in Norway, through its faculty of Engineering and Science in 2011."The partnership is has registered great success already for example two KIST young staff joined UiA  for Master’s degree programs and four for PhD under the sandwich scheme,” said Gasingirwa.According to Remy Twiringiyimana, the acting Director General of science and technology in the Ministry of Education, the future of science and technology in Rwanda is going to transform the lives of its people."In the past, technology was a myth, but through research it is becoming a reality therefore KIST should maximize the opportunity at hand for a better Rwanda,” Twiringiyimana said.Furthermore, the dean of the faculty of engineering Leopord Mbereyaho added that this partnership is improving on the number of staff capacity by helping produce more PhD holders who will improve on research not only for KIST but also for Rwanda as a whole."A number of our staff have gone for PhD and Masters at UiA and this will improve on their capacity as lectures,” Mbereyaho explains.Frank Reichet from the faculty of science and technology from UiA, said KIST is very strong in science and electronics while UiA in mechanics and for that reason saw it worth to collaborate and exchange ideas."We need to put efforts together that’s why we have to combine expertise to not only improve on the innovativeness of students in Rwanda but also in Norway,” Reichet said.The terms under the academic partnership between KIST and UiA include joint research projects, conferences seminars and symposia, exchange of teaching and research staff, exchange of undergraduate and graduate students among others.