Let us read and write

Fellow students, ladies and gentlemen, is it daybreak, afternoon or evening? How goes your enemy time? As you go about your day to day activities why not save a little time for reading and writing?

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Fellow students, ladies and gentlemen, is it daybreak, afternoon or evening? How goes your enemy time? As you go about your day to day activities why not save a little time for reading and writing?We generally tend to stay preoccupied with many things and believe me, reading and writing is given little attention or is simply not an option for many and yet it is something that does not really require one to spend a whole day reading or writing. Believe me, I am not preaching a baseless gospel. Even the religious leaders whose basic tools of reference are the holy books the Bible or the Quran know that many barely set aside time to read and understand these great books. All you have to know is that both reading and writing do actually complement each other in one way or the other. If no one was writing then we would probably not have any books to read. And if no one is reading then it becomes pointless to write anything.On the other hand, the person who invented the telephone must be smiling in his grave since we are now all in possession of a phone and we seem not to have time for anything else. Yes we can read and write using our phones these days but it is not really the same as holding a real book or sitting down to write with a pen and paper.Do not get scared by the volume of the book you intend to read or fear that someone will laugh at your writing. Remember that it is better to try than not to try at all. My dear friends take some time off your tight schedule and start reading or writing. The advantages of reading and writing are very clear to all of us especially if one is interested in improving on their language skills. Each book one reads will leave a dose of new knowledge with them. We all need to find something to read once in a while. If you start reading a book make sure you finish it because you will miss the good lessons at the end of the book. It is very important that we fight the common saying that, "if you want to hide anything from an African, have it written down.”The holiday is a good time to do some simple reading or writing. It is never too late to start. The writer is a student at Kagarama Secondary School Form 6HEG