Striking a balance between work and play

Students around the country are currently enjoying their second term holiday but it won’t be long before they find themselves back in the classrooms taking notes and sitting for exams. This holiday has been quite short that you wonder whether it is really one or just a break.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013
Allan Brian Ssenyonga

Students around the country are currently enjoying their second term holiday but it won’t be long before they find themselves back in the classrooms taking notes and sitting for exams. This holiday has been quite short that you wonder whether it is really one or just a break. This week Education Times took interest in this matter and sought to find out whether students, teachers and parents are in anyway bothered by the fact that the holiday is a mere two weeks. We know that students deserve a break from the academic schedule to relax and get refreshed before resuming school. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. However children need not forget about studies completely while on holiday. They can still engage in activities that are academically light such as reading interesting novels when on holiday. I know that many students love the fact that the annual trade exhibition held at Gikondo serves as the top agenda for the holiday. Many love the exciting atmosphere and the fact that they get to see their colleagues while there.  It is however very important to remind them that there is so much they can learn from that single event especially in the field of entrepreneurship which many study at school. Their brains need to take the break but it should not be a very deep one that makes them forget all that they learnt in school. This is why some schools have decided to always give students beginning of term exams as a way of keeping them academically focused even during the holiday. The long holiday in November should therefore be  a consolation for those who felt this one was too short.