I am tired of begging my daughter to eat

My four-year-old daughter is very picky when it comes to eating and I am really getting tired of having to beg her to eat. I am not sure whether it is the food or she is just the kind that likes to eat. How do I get my child to start eating with enthusiasm like other children of her age.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

My four-year-old daughter is very picky when it comes to eating and I am really getting tired of having to beg her to eat. I am not sure whether it is the food or she is just the kind that likes to eat. How do I get my child to start eating with enthusiasm like other children of her age. Samuel, Kibagaga Dear Samuel, thank you for getting in touch and I hope by the time you next read this paper you child will be a better eater. Many parents have to deal with this situation of begging and manipulating children to eat. However there are some few things you can do to address this situation.First of all you need to learn to serve very small portions that your child will enjoy finishing instead of big portions that will seem like a lot of work. Toddlers love discovering little mystery morsels they can pick up themselves and deposit in their mouths. It gives them a sense of mastery over their food. You will also need to invest in a lunch tray as this helps to divide the food into different portions. This gives the child a sense of choice unlike when everything is on one plate. A variety of colour on the plate indicates choice, and choice fosters feelings of autonomy and independence, like the child has some control over their world, which may compel them to graze.  You should not worry so much because it is known that children will increase their appetite as they grow older. Other parents may also have some tricks that you can borrow so talk to them as well. Send your parenting questions to education@newtimes.co.rw