Privileges of being a child of a king

Many years ago, a young boy called Peter decided he wanted to see the great king of his country. Peter left His home and walked many miles to the city where the King lived.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Many years ago, a young boy called Peter decided he wanted to see the great king of his country. Peter left His home and walked many miles to the city where the King lived.

He found the palace and ran up to the gates. Wow! He had never seen such a fascinating building before. This really was the home of the king!

Suddenly he heard someone shouting.  "Stop! Who are you and what do you want here?” a guard asked.

"I’ve heard wonderful things about the great king,” Peter answered respectfully.

"I’ve come to see him.”

"Have you been invited?” snapped the guard.

"No,” answered Peter. He looked down at his clothes, which were dirty from his long walk. He was ashamed; maybe he should not have come. Peter looked up at the guard and whispered, "I really want to see the king.” The guard felt sorry for the boy but he had his orders from the king and he had to obey them.

"I’m sorry,” he said firmly, "but I can’t let you go in. Now hurry off.”

Peter sat on the ground before the wall and started to cry. He had come a long way to see the king. After a few minutes, an older boy came to the gate. He saw Peter and knelt beside him.

"Why are you crying?” he asked.

"Because they won’t let me go in to see the king.”

"Come with me!” said the older boy.

"I can help you.” Together they walked to the big iron gates. Peter expected the guard to chase them away. Instead, he opened the gates and let them in without any questions.

Peter could not believe what was happening. Soon he was inside the great palace. What a beautiful place it was! His eyes opened wider and wider. They walked down one hall then another. His friend seemed to know exactly where to go.

Finally, they stood in front of the great doors leading to the king’s throne room. Peter was so excited! They pushed open the doors and walked in without even knocking.
There sat the king on His throne.

"Father, this is my new friend, Peter. He has walked a long way because he wanted to meet you.” The king was kind to Peter and talked to him for a long time.
