What sort of company do you keep?

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” an intelligent motivation speaker called Jim Rohn said. And honestly I couldn’t agree with him more on this amazing theory. We have to be very cautious of the kinds of people we surround ourselves with.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” an intelligent motivation speaker called Jim Rohn said. And honestly I couldn’t agree with him more on this amazing theory. We have to be very cautious of the kinds of people we surround ourselves with. Sometimes we do not realise or pay attention to this idea that we are influenced by the people that are closest to us. Our way of thinking, our behaviour and even the way we interpret things, basically everything we are or do is affected by our environment. Which brings me to the question - what kind of friends do you keep? Do they "build” you in any positive way? Do they care about the environment they live in? Are they dumb or smart? Do they know the basic things about how the world is run? Are they just gossipers - all talk and no brains?  Think about it and if you weigh and find that they have more negatives than positives, I will advise that you find new friends.Let me make one thing very clear here, I am not saying that get friends who only say good things to you and are not honest enough to tell you that your breath stinks like a dead rat. Honest friends are as important as clever friends. Add value to yourself by keeping the right company. Surround yourself with people that take life seriously. Not so long ago, I was blessed to be in the company of some very intelligent people. I would have loved to mention names but I never asked for the permission to do so plus I still want to keep them as friends so I will not do anything to sabotage that. These people were extremely bright. Everything they said got me wondering why I had not thought of that before. Perhaps they had an IQ higher than mine but take it or leave it, after having several intelligent conversations with them, I now think like them. However, there is a problem that came out of associating with these brainiacs, anyone that is not as brilliant as me is silently being judged and these days I choose who I talk to lest you contaminate me with your dumbness. So to avoid being judged by smart people, I suggest you check your surroundings and pick out who is worth your time.