What do you think:

Body art is just like an accessory to the body, if it causes no harm then its fine for me. For both Christians and non Christians, body art doesn’t distance anyone from religion and neither does it abuse any law. It should be acceptable in society.

Thursday, August 01, 2013
andra Ninsiima

Body art is just like an accessory to the body, if it causes no harm then its fine for me. For both Christians and non Christians, body art doesn’t distance anyone from religion and neither does it abuse any law. It should be acceptable in society.Sandra Ninsiima, Medical studentBody art is absolutely fine but when it comes to tattoos, then that is another case. Aside from cancer and all other side effects, tattoos are a shame and they look ugly most of the time. I don’t think I would ever get one. Alex Ndoli, DJ People shouldn’t waste time with body art; beauty is always seen even without body art.  We shouldn’t let the West take over and make us think we have to paint our bodies just to look good. Jean Baptiste Nkulikiye, Rosty employeeBody art is meant to supplement beauty for outings and other events; it shouldn’t be taken as a bad thing. And if someone wants to have a tattoo, then it’s up to them and they have the right to as long as they don’t cause harm to anyone else. Priscilla Malaika