Why can’t he move on already?

I am either the only surviving ‘hot’ chick or cupid is on my case; sending a lot of love my way and quenching the needs of men, even the ones that have stabbed me in the back before. Why else would an ex-boyfriend insist on having me back after a year and over? He should have used his brain before he chose a one night stand over a long-term relationship!

Thursday, August 01, 2013
Lilliane Asiimwe Gahima

I am either the only surviving ‘hot’ chick or cupid is on my case; sending a lot of love my way and quenching the needs of men, even the ones that have stabbed me in the back before. Why else would an ex-boyfriend insist on having me back after a year and over? He should have used his brain before he chose a one night stand over a long-term relationship! I sighed in relief after the dude in question spent at least two months without witch hunting me, traumatizing me with his annoying ‘apology’ calls. Now, I’m back to being stalked; yesterday evening he called me using a weird phone number. "Like I said before, I am sorry I cheated on you. You didn’t deserve that and I am ready to be the best if you take me back,” said the voice at the other end of the line.I told the nuisance he had embarked on a mission worse than Saving Private Ryan! He’s not a very good listener. He went ahead to remind me of the great moments we had in the past, how he was about to propose and how his parents suggested we get back together. Crazy as it sounded, the dude still blamed the devils hand in breaking us up! Wondered whether the devil blind folded him into the other girl’s pants!Meanwhile, he suggested we meet and talk as "old friends”. What sent my stomach bubbling was when he suggested a weekend out of Kigali, just to talk. I didn’t see it coming when he cheated, but again, I never expected this dude to think I was such a bimbo, to blindly fall for his canning plans!Adding salt to the wound, he confessed he had gone on a sex rampage after we broke up. I went mute for minutes when he mentioned his accomplices in the rebound sex, and I recognised some of the ladies. He told me all this to come clean, and to show he was a changed man, like that wasn’t pulling me even further away!Was the match-making department in heaven that daft to see the incompatibility we had, for he suggested "meant to be” as one of the reasons he wants me back! He has moved from stalking me at home, befriending my family, drunk dialing me, to threats.  He adamantly said I would only settle and marry another man over his dead body.I believe in men who lay down their ego to win back what they lost, but what happens when the intended catch is past the heartbreak and has happily moved on?