Would you take her back if she is a cheat? (Everybody deserves a second chance)

People should understand that this situation always depends on the strength of the relationship. I have been in such a situation before and I learnt a thing or two about what I would do the next time it happened.

Thursday, August 01, 2013
Damian Gahitira

People should understand that this situation always depends on the strength of the relationship. I have been in such a situation before and I learnt a thing or two about what I would do the next time it happened.I went ahead and posted this same question on Facebook; most of my buddies said no apart from a few more forgiving ones. Later, I asked them if they would want their girlfriends to forgive them should they ever stray and naturally, they said yes.  Every guy would of course want his chick to forgive him if he cheated but how is it they are quick to send women off when they do it?  I know forgiveness isn’t total acceptance (you get over it with time) but I would fight for our love if it is worth fighting for.  I have maximum respect for a woman brave enough to walk up to me to admit that she strayed. We are human and to be human means to make mistakes. Besides, who are we without forgiveness? If God is gracious enough to excuse all our shortcomings, surely we can afford to do the same. The more time you take investigating the cause of her cheating, the harder it will become for you to forgive her and move on. Though my trust levels for her will drop inexplicably, with the help of a relationship counselor, I’m sure I can learn to trust her again. Some guys take their work too seriously and forget that they have needy women at home. Once a woman feels like she’s not getting the attention she wants, a little attention from another guy might trigger an affair. In the end, there is always a reason she did it but it is how you move on from her mistake that really matters. If she is arrogant about the matter then that is another issue all together. I need to see that she is actually sorry about what she did and that if she could go back and fix the mess she made, she would. I mean you can’t punish her forever and some things should not always call for a breakup. Sure, you can take time apart if necessary to clear your head but if you feel the slightest need to fight for your relationship, go for it! Life is about making mistakes, learning from them and forgiving each other. It’s not that complicated.