Would you take her back if she is a cheat? (Once a cheat, always a cheat!)

If she has done it once, she will do it again. There is a reason she cheated the first time; probably the same reason she’ll cheat again. So really, why would I be so stupid as to give the wolf a chance just because it has come back in sheep’s clothing?

Thursday, August 01, 2013
Patrick Buchana

If she has done it once, she will do it again. There is a reason she cheated the first time; probably the same reason she’ll cheat again. So really, why would I be so stupid as to give the wolf a chance just because it has come back in sheep’s clothing? This isn’t a personal attack on women or a chance to be sexist. I know no one should cheat, but when a woman does it, it just seems so wrong! Very often, women claim that men can’t keep their zip up but now, if a woman can’t keep her legs closed, how cheap does that make her? If my woman cheats on me then that means that the guy has something I don’t have. And he always will. She’s most likely looking for a better listener, someone who enjoys the same hobby or someone who doesn’t expect to say no to most of her thoughts.  It won’t be long before she reminisces about her ex or even the stranger she met at the bar, and we all know how that ends!Promiscuity can be an inherited trait, according to new research. Not all animals cheat, but the behaviour occurs among even socially monogamous species, including certain birds and humans.Promiscuous males can benefit a species, but females may retain associated genes too, inheriting them from their fathers.If dad was a playboy, there’s a good chance that his sons and daughters will also be promiscuous, suggests a new study that identified a genetic link to such behavior."Other research has concluded that the daughter of a promiscuous father is two times more likely to cheat than others,” lead author Wolfgang Forstmeier was quoted.The worst thing about women cheating is that they do it like they are on the Intelligence pay list. They have clean tracks and you will stay in the dark until you catch her red-handed or if she confesses. I am not ready to live with suspicion all my life. However, if it is flirting with someone on the internet then that wouldn’t stand for cheating to me. But finding out that I’m sharing the goods with some other guy would definitely call for separation and I won’t give her another thought. How do you honestly trust someone like that again? And what is a relationship without trust?