Testing your man? You will “die in your own movie”!

Out of extreme curiosity and the fact that there was nothing else better to watch on TV, I decided to watch a Nigerian movie. I partially expected to either dose off five minutes into the movie or simply break the TV out of irritation but I actually ended up watching the whole thing.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Stick to gossip and forget about testing your man. Net photo

Out of extreme curiosity and the fact that there was nothing else better to watch on TV, I decided to watch a Nigerian movie. I partially expected to either dose off five minutes into the movie or simply break the TV out of irritation but I actually ended up watching the whole thing.

So this one girl wakes up one morning and realises that her man loves her way too much. She then proceeds to assure her friend that he would never under any circumstance cheat on her because of his undying love for her. I really admired her confidence. As if she had some sort of magical spell on the guy, she dared her friend to hit on her man and see if he would stray. Allow me to explain that her friend was not just another ‘troll under the bridge’ but a rather voluptuous woman – I think according to the ‘dare devil’ it made it more interesting to set him up with a hot babe. Blame it on the pea-size brain!

Now, straying is one thing – you have a few steamy sessions and it’s a wrap. Because life can never say no to drama, the man fell head over heels for Miss Bootylicious. It didn’t happen easily because he was in fact in love with his girlfriend, but after a few chases, he just couldn’t resist the curves of this truly African woman! Before she knew it, his stupid girlfriend had been cast aside so far, it seemed like she was marooned on an island on Pluto!

I will risk being called insolent and say that if there is a woman on this planet daft enough to try this out, you need some good slaps.  Who are you to think you know exactly how your man’s mind operates? Unless you are a witch, hear me now; never ever make that mistake. I don’t want to be the bearer of bad tidings but things WILL end really badly for you. 

Your man loves you; you know it so leave it at that! Don’t go testing a hot-blooded man with a babe so hot she makes you want to curse God and die - just to see if his love for you will defeat temptation. Okay if you must, at least choose someone whose reflection cracks the mirror and rejoice in the fact that he doesn’t insert his "weapon of mass destruction” in every breathing animal on the planet!

You know when you’re watching TV and you’re warned not to try whatever they are doing at home? Take a hint or you will die in your own movie!