There is a lot you can do with the ‘free time’

As we move into the month August many are praying for the rains to come and cool the scorched earth and wash away the dust. For students the consolation is that at least they are now on holiday and do not have to suffer so much with lessons in the afternoon heat or trekking dusty paths to school.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Allan Brian Ssenyonga

As we move into the month August many are praying for the rains to come and cool the scorched earth and wash away the dust. For students the consolation is that at least they are now on holiday and do not have to suffer so much with lessons in the afternoon heat or trekking dusty paths to school. Education Times this week looks at the options that students on holiday have before them as they wait for the next school term to begin. We all agree that being idle is a recipe for disaster and would like to suggest some of the things that students should do in order to benefit from this academic break. Of course it is important to spare a little time to go through your books but remember that holidays were created for a reason. The brain needs a break from classroom mode. Among the things one can do is the volunteering that is mentioned in one of the stories by the deputy principal of Riviera High School. It is also important to use this time to visit relatives that you rarely get to see. They are always happy to see you and share important life lessons. The ongoing trade exhibition at Gikondo also offers a great opportunity for students especially those interested in entrepreneurship to visit and learn something. Much as the holiday is for you to rest, you can still use it to learn about things that are not usually taught in class. Learning itself has no holidays.