Help! My 12-year-old son is watching porn!

My 12-year-old son has quickly picked up computer skills from his school but last week I caught him watching pornography and I have told him not to use the home computer again until the holiday ends. However, I would like to know what more I can do as far as this issue is concerned.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My 12-year-old son has quickly picked up computer skills from his school but last week I caught him watching pornography and I have told him not to use the home computer again until the holiday ends. However, I would like to know what more I can do as far as this issue is concerned. Pamela, Kimihurura Dear Pamela, Your situation is not unique at all. Pornography is a parenting issue now that most 11-year-olds have seen it somewhere. With the proliferation of the Internet, smart phones and cameras, and social media, pornography is accessible everywhere, and to everyone.Increased exposure to pornography is known to lead to sexual violence or distorted expectations of sex and relationships. In other words your son is more likely to suffer in future and not in the present. It is therefore very important to sit down with your son and have a lengthy talk about this topic. Since it is not really that easy to protect your child from accessing pornographic materials on the internet, it helps to make him understand the dangers of watching the same. You need to know that your child is likely to see more and more of these materials as he grows older so the main solution is to talk about it openly so that it does not negatively affect his perception of women, sex or relationships in general. Where you can, keep him away from pornography and find him better ways to spend his time.