Spend less!
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dear editor,
I wonder why many people these days spend much of their financial resources in wedding ceremonies.

Moreover, the worst thing is that most of the expenses are covered either on loan or credit grounds.

Last week, I attended a wedding ceremony of one of my neighbours, whose budget was set at Frw4 million.

However, what amused me was that, half of the money spent on his wedding was a loan from the bank.

More-over, this young man is renting a house at a monthly charge of Frw100, 000, and it is here, I wonder how he will be servicing the loan and at the same time saving for his new family.

My message to those who plan to spent millions of money in wedding ceremonies, is that, they should first save enough money for that, than relying on loans which are likely to cause them problems in the future.
