Kigufi: Gisenyi’s tranquil beach

Usually when one talks of Gisenyi in the Northern Province, the first thing that comes to mind is Lake Kivu. And of course people jumping into the lake!  Well, Masion St Benoit Kigufu, commonly known as Kigufu by the locals, is totally different from the Gisenyi that we know. It’s a more serene environment.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Usually when one talks of Gisenyi in the Northern Province, the first thing that comes to mind is Lake Kivu. And of course people jumping into the lake!  Well, Masion St Benoit Kigufu, commonly known as Kigufu by the locals, is totally different from the Gisenyi that we know. It’s a more serene environment. After the three hour long journey to Gisenyi, it was a motorbike ride to Kigufu, which seemed further from the town than expected. After Bralirwa, you take a dusty road with no buildings in sight. Moving on, there is a path going through lush lawns and a sign post that says KIGUFI. The most noticeable thing is the tranquility. It is a very lovely place and the only sound is that of the birds.  There are short benches under the trees that provide a shade from the scorching sun and a great view. Naturally, it was strange how other beaches are clogged with people yet Kigufi had just a handful. It was time to investigate.Steven Wiragiye, a native of Musanze and a gospel singer says he has to walk all this way just to do his vocals as it’s the quietest place. "This place is indeed a retreat beach and many people come here to think and relax. There is no better place I can think of to do my vocals,” Wiragiye said with a toothy smile.  The birds also know that this is the place to relax as a number of species chirped in the trees and others rested on the branches and the fallen trees. The beach also has a number of roads just before the shoreline and water splashing on the rocks can be heard. With all these great views, the price of lunch around many bars in the nearby town and at the beach goes for Rwf 1500 to 3000. The price of drinks is just the same as many places in Kigali even with Bralirwa just next door. Should you choose to spend the night, rooms range from Rwf 15,000 to 20,000 a night without breakfast. The return fare to Gisenyi is Rwf 6,000 and a moto ride from the town to Kigufi is about Rwf 1,200 or 1,500 - depending on your bargaining power. If you want to crawl away and spend some time with yourself, clear your head and think, Kigufi is the place.