My status, my business!

How many of you out there can confidently say you have met the man of your dreams? That you are married and you just never settled because of family pressure? That you are not stuck with that man because you have nowhere to go? That you have decided to stand his bull crap because of your kids? Or that you are simply with him because you are afraid of what people will say if you leave?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How many of you out there can confidently say you have met the man of your dreams? That you are married and you just never settled because of family pressure? That you are not stuck with that man because you have nowhere to go? That you have decided to stand his bull crap because of your kids? Or that you are simply with him because you are afraid of what people will say if you leave?Let me share my frustration. I was recently being pushed to date a certain someone because of his family name and the prestigious position he holds in society - not to mention his father’s status. Before I go any further let me make this very clear, we do not live in the Stone Age days or whatever age came after that, where arranged marriages were the in thing. I strongly believe that in this day and age, I, together with the people that fall in this category, are capable of meeting someone that we like without anyone’s help and we could happily do our thing.Now to all the dear mothers, aunties and other relatives that feel the responsibility to hook your nieces, daughters or sons up with the so called eligible bachelors or bachelorettes for that matter, I say take a seat and calm down! When we need your help, we know exactly where to find you. But if you ever feel the urge to pursue a career in matchmaking, find willing customers - do not impose on us. Anyway, while I was being forced to make it work with Mr Perfect, I am happy to say that I actually met another Mr Perfect at the rendezvous.  I had a twelve minute conversation with this dude and I must admit that throughout these minutes I constantly had to remind myself to breathe. Staring into this guy’s eyes was enough for me to know he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. You can call it a coincidence if you please or perhaps I was just desperate to get away from the man I was being forced to date. It beats me. But my point remains that we are all rational beings in our own way and we should be able to decide for ourselves who we want to be with. Do not make my single status your business and lose sleep over it.