When women defend men that cheat

I agree men shouldn’t be broke. In fact, they should avoid it at any cost!  To most men when poverty comes through the door, happiness, confidence and self esteem flies through the window. You feel like you are not a man enough. In fact most men are at their best behavior when broke.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I agree men shouldn’t be broke. In fact, they should avoid it at any cost!  To most men when poverty comes through the door, happiness, confidence and self esteem flies through the window. You feel like you are not a man enough. In fact most men are at their best behavior when broke.Hanging out this Wednesday, I observed one of my pal’s behavior and couldn’t agree more when they say ‘money is the root of all evil’. The once arrogant and loud mouthed, hard –to- please bloke turn into a saint just because he’s been out of work for a couple of months.Even when the waitress brought a warm beer when he actually asked for an icy-cold one, he didn’t shout and curse as always. Is this what being poor turns a man into, I wondered?Anyway, I believe men shouldn’t be broke but sometimes it’s inevitable. However, most mistakes men do after losing the job keeps them broke and without getting another job for long. Many men wallow in despair and try to drown their problems in booze not knowing that problems know how to swim.Friends will always take you out and buy you gallons of alcohol to console you but if you want to be the man you once were, don’t accept. Drink healthy beverages, sleep early and eat healthy if you can afford to. Use this time wisely; visit your relatives while you wait for the next job interview. Don’t forget to take a break from job searching to do things you like. This has added benefit of forcing you to think about things other than your job search and clear your head.Stay sober, dress smartly not in just your faded pairs of chinos and sandals, shave and trim your hair and nails, try to look better than you used to when you had that job. Remember, however qualified you are, no one will feel safe employing you when you look as ‘dry’ as a bedbug that’s gone years without blood.As for you who are employed, don’t act so busy when an unemployed friends calls or suggest visiting you, they don’t always need to borrow money, Sometimes, a good ear can be one of the best ways to help someone who is going through a hard time.