Have you really moved on?

I’ve noticed that when some couples break up, they try so desperately to assure each other that they have moved on, going as far as asking mutual friends to invite the ‘ex’ over to show them just how seriously they’ve moved on! Even after sitting throughout most of the night, the second the recently crowned ex comes over, the other individual will get up and dance like there is no tomorrow – of course sending the message that they have never been happier. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I’ve noticed that when some couples break up, they try so desperately to assure each other that they have moved on, going as far as asking mutual friends to invite the ‘ex’ over to show them just how seriously they’ve moved on! Even after sitting throughout most of the night, the second the recently crowned ex comes over, the other individual will get up and dance like there is no tomorrow – of course sending the message that they have never been happier. 

The biggest mistake some people make is thinking they have some sort of switch for their feelings. I remember how much I loved Beyonce’s Irreplaceable when it had just come out. I listened to it religiously and crammed every word. At first, I was blinded by my love for the song that I could care less about the lyrics. Then I started to pay attention; in the song she says, "You must not know ‘bout me. You must not know ‘bout me. I can have another you in a minute. Matter fact, he’ll be here in a minute. You must not know ‘bout me. You must not know ‘bout me. I can have another you by tomorrow. So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin’…You’re irreplaceable.”

In this song, Mrs. Jay Z makes us believe that she can just switch off her feelings like you would shut down a computer. But if this were reality, for one, she never would’ve pampered the guy the way that she did if she didn’t feel him. Two, what’s that about getting another him? I thought she dumped his sorry butt to get someone better but no….she was dumping him to get another him! Three, if the clone will be arriving shortly like she says, she was also up to no good during the relationship, if you know what I mean. She might have taken back all the bling, cars and designer clothes she got the guy, but by getting another him, she hasn’t really moved on, now has she?

I have seen this in real life. Chicks claim they are sick of a certain character but then go looking for another dude who reminds them of the wretched individual they just broke up with. It is a little clear now why girls jump from one bad boy to another  – they never really move on from one. 

If you’ve really moved on, you might want to stop ‘accidentally’ running into that person. The only thing seriously wrong about moving on right after a breakup is pretending that you’ve moved on! So, before you go out trying to prove to your new ex that men flock when you are single, ask yourself, are you really moving on or are you just putting on a show?