Parents have divided opinions

There exists a school of thought that says that because of their experience and foresight, the parents are capable of choosing the best career for their children while some have contrary views.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

There exists a school of thought that says that because of their experience and foresight, the parents are capable of choosing the best career for their children while some have contrary views.Ivan Habiyaremwe, a retired educationist says, "Whatever career or educational choices the child makes, the parents should be consulted. If there is anyone that a child will trust it should be the parents."We used to sit down with them and ask them what they wanted to become in life. As children, a number of them indicated choices that we thought wouldn’t make them achieve much in life and we pointed out these to them. I’m now happy since they all followed their parents’ wisdom and became successful.”Eugene Hashikamana, a father of two says, "Parents really care about this because it is related to their children’s future. They want the best for their children who should be guided in each and every career decision they make.”Another parent, Donnah Umutoni who says she has four school going children avers that it’s incumbent upon the parents to look at the future interest of the child by choosing for him or her the right path of life to follow.However, Michael Gasana, a father of three says that the parents have the sole responsibility to raise their children to be independent adults and helping them to achieve what they have set out to do.” "Parents should not choose the career path for their children since in the end; a child’s future should be the child’s choice. Parents can ruin their children lives if they dictate to them what to do. They should instead help their children make their dreams come true.”Carina Mutesi, a single mother argues that the age when parents decided on what was best for the child is gone. "Parents should support the skills developed in their child and support what they could do best. At a good age when the child can make independent decisions, parents should allow their children to make good choices leading to a good professional future.”