Pregnancy test: What do three pink lines mean?

Tuesday;There are small things we don’t value or even take note of until situations compels us to. Health-wise, only precaution beats a health kit or home dispensary.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tuesday;There are small things we don’t value or even take note of until situations compels us to. Health-wise, only precaution beats a health kit or home dispensary.Wednesday;I came to that conclusion, yesterday, after a funny headache decided to spoil my soap opera moment. It was like the veins in my eye sockets were running taut. The throbbing was worse than labour pain. There was no panadol or anything medicinal in the house. Worse still, my wallet was as dry as the end of this weather season. Walking to Remera to use ATM was a hard call.Thursday;If I had invested in a medical kit or a home dispensary, such a headache would have been ‘doused’ with some first aid tablets and I wouldn’t have had to skip my soap.Friday;I’m withdrawing all the money in my account to cater for my medical kit. I don’t want to catch diarrhoea next time and have to run to the pharmacy with a near-dripping body system.Saturday;I tell hubby about my mega plan to invest in a home dispensary but he’s apprehensive. He jokes that at this rate, I might start buying coffins and shrouds also.Sunday;Today, I talked to a pharmacist and he gave me the basic drugs and how to dispense them. He also warned me to watch out for expiry and storage issues. I think this is better than nothing.