My perfect weekend: Choga Style

My perfect weekends are all about having fun with friends and visiting relatives. My weekend starts on a Friday evening. I dress up casually and hookup with my friends, whom I begin the weekend with.

Friday, July 11, 2008

My perfect weekends are all about having fun with friends and visiting relatives. My weekend starts on a Friday evening. I dress up casually and hookup with my friends, whom I begin the weekend with.

There, we rotate in all corners of the city, in search for lively nightspots. But I must admit that we hardly stay long in one place. We keep moving from bar to bar, taking two, or three rounds from each bar.

Once in a while we escape urban life and the noisy environment. Personally, I love calm and tranquility and so do most of my friends, so we sneak out to either Gisenyi or Kibuye.

On a Saturday still, I go out and get crazy with friends. We normally retire from the club in the early hours of the following day.

Having exhausted myself and feeling pretty hung-over, I stay indoors the whole of Sunday trying to relax. I normally listen to classical music or watch romantic movies.

I have to be honest I have a big appetite for food. On a perfect weekend I will steal time and prepare myself maize bread with meat. After preparing such a delicious meal, I will have a cold shower and then feast!

Sometimes on weekends, I do some physical exercises, like jogging and press-ups. I normally plan for the week ahead on Sunday evenings. I start making calls to my producers and studio managers to see what’s happening next.
