Brains and beauty go well together

 One would assume that university students are well equipped with knowledge, but that is not always the case. I was left in shock last week when I invited friends for a drink up at my house; for entertainment we played called “capital cities”.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

One would assume that university students are well equipped with knowledge, but that is not always the case. I was left in shock last week when I invited friends for a drink up at my house; for entertainment we played called "capital cities”. Let me explain, "capital cities” is a drinking game invented by yours truly. In this game we mention a country and one person mentions the capital city of that country, if one fails to mention the right capital city they take a shot of vodka or whatever drink there is. You can judge my way of living later, now this is about how I was asked the capital city of Senegal and I confidently said Ouagadougou.  Yes and I was pretty sure Dakar was the capital of Burkina Faso, but you can cut me some slack, because at that drink up I was not drinking passion juice. Moving on, a Rwandan friend of mine, who holds herself in high regard because she is as pretty as all Rwandans people was happy to tell us, said that the capital of Rwanda was Dodoma. Please understand that this is not a joke, I quickly switched drinks and wanted to take what she was drinking only to discover that she was not drinking any alcohol at all. Was she all beauty and no brains? Anyway, I asked her to come back the next day when I was sober so that I could give her a free tutorial about her own country, but to be safe I mentioned that the president of her country was called ‘Paul Kagame’, lest she said that the president’s name was John Dramani Mahama. I later came to discover that this girl knew all the members of the Kardashain family by first and last name she knew all the names of the movie stars and the films in which they have featured. She knew exactly which celebrity was dating who. Boy was she Americanized or what?Anyway my point is can we please learn about our own before we run off learning stuff about other people and their history and cultures. Can we just take some time off to learn about our own culture and our leaders?  Knowing the countries that make up East Africa does not make anyone local, neither does having interest in your own country.