Will computers replace teachers?

Using computers, one can now earn a certificate, diploma, degree, masters by just downloading eBooks (electronic books that are in softcopy) that come together with the relevant topic and then read at you own pace online.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Using computers, one can now earn a certificate, diploma, degree, masters by just downloading eBooks (electronic books that are in softcopy) that come together with the relevant topic and then read at you own pace online. After all this, one is ready to sit the exam pertaining to a particular topic or assignment just by signing in using a username and password (that would have been provided to you by the examiner/institution/center that you are studying for) and do the exam online. Grading is done instantly as soon as one completes the exam. The certificate is sent to your email and you can print and present to any employer.You will notice that in class some students are always distracted with what the teacher is wearing. His or her mannerisms, the mood she or he may be in etc. These things are so important to some students that they lose focus on the topic that they are being taught and yet with computers such distractions do not arise. After a teacher has taught for sometime he will want to go for a break not considering the situation of the student he is teaching who may want to continue with the lesson/topic because it is interesting to them. Computers will not rest which ensures continuous learning and therefore the syllabus will be covered on time and sometime for revision will be spared. router1Every teacher will prefer a certain student(s) because maybe he or she pays more attention in class. This often brings about discouragement, neglect and lack of attention in the subject because others may depend on the teacher for support, encouragement and morale which will not be forthcoming. Some students are very sharp and they ask a teacher very challenging questions about certain topics that the teacher may not be aware of, the teacher may end up giving the wrong answer to the student. This will be almost impossible with computers because they are accurate.However the computers cannot be able to gauge the level of understanding of different students and therefore may end up completing the syllabus when not much learning has taken place. A teacher can apply other methods of learning like using drawings or illustration, charts, colors, and also can use videos, movies or clips.The computer lacks emotions and therefore cannot read the classroom atmosphere. Sometimes the students are bored and a teacher could change the pace or find something interesting to get their attention back while the computer lacks the capability to understand.The role of the teacher is also important in that students are able to understand that they are dealing with human beings and not machines and therefore deserve attention and respect. They also learn how to respect others by working in a group. The presence of computer in a room the whole day might bring health problems because of the radiation rays emitted by the computers and also eye sight problems as well as backache. Not all the information we get in the computers are useful and you need a teacher to summarise and sieve the important information and present it to the students in an easier and understandable form. Students are likely to get across this unwanted, obscene, undervalued or vague information that will not be helpful to themselves and also in their futures endeavors and careers like pornographic material.In summary, a teacher is a resource provider, curriculum specialist, classroom supporter, teaching facilitator, mentor, school leader among other roles in the learning process and therefore not easy to replace with a computer. The writer is a Teacher at Riviera High School