Editorial: Try and try again

This week’s FOCUS is about farmers facing the dry season really impressed me and got me thinking about perseverance. How bold and noble to keep at it in such adverse circumstances.

Friday, July 11, 2008

This week’s FOCUS is about farmers facing the dry season really impressed me and got me thinking about perseverance. How bold and noble to keep at it in such adverse circumstances.

The famous observation that ‘even after a bad harvest there must be sowing’ applies not just to farmers but to us all and we have much to learn from these determined farmers.

The key to worthwhile perseverance is appropriate aims, i.e. knowing when aims are the right ones. Someone might say that a tone-deaf man ought not to try and learn to sing.

Others would say the worthy aim dignifies the struggle to do it, that there is much to be gained from trying. After all, it is not what we get but what we become by our endeavors that makes them meaningful.

On another note, I have finally managed (there’s my perseverance!) to get super fit Amity Weiss to share with us her secrets on fitness and wellbeing. You’ll find another new addition to the mag this week on page 12. Check out our IN THE KNOW column which promises to keep you informed of all that’s going on in Kigali and beyond. Please get in touch if you know of something exciting that’s worth sharing. That’s all from me. Enjoy!
