Never give up no matter what

Humans are capable of achieving success under circumstances that are tougher than we often imagine. We truly never know what we’re capable of until we try. It is obvious that we all expect success every time we do something but at times success may not be that easy to come across.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Humans are capable of achieving success under circumstances that are tougher than we often imagine. We truly never know what we’re capable of until we try. It is obvious that we all expect success every time we do something but at times success may not be that easy to come across. To many, that seems like the end of the road but to the very few who have probably learnt the secret of success they decide to stick on the journey through patience and having the spirit of never giving up no matter how the going gets tough. Once my Entrepreneurship teacher Mr. Dismas, noted that you can handle most problems because you know that only a little time stands between you and your goal. It may take several tiresome sleepless nights to reach your goal, the point is that you try and keep trying until you succeed. Most people quit too soon which doubles their failures. "Be persistent, patient and concentrate on your major goal until you have achieved it. It is not what you did yesterday, what you may be doing today; it is what you are prepared to do every day,” he said.He clearly emphasized the need for us not to give up until we achieve the goals we set out to achieve. We have to work hard and that starts with genuine commitment, determination. At times as students we want to give up after failing some subjects yet the path of education is more than just exams. It is always good to ask yourself whether giving up is a wise decision. Take a look at those who did not get a chance to acquire an education and see whether you want to be like them. The important thing about success is that what matters in not how many times you fall but how many times you fall and still get back on your feet. Success often comes to those who are willing to keep pushing and working hard. We can achieve anything in life if we keep the hope and ignore the negative remarks made by people or brought by the situation. Self confidence helps to overcome many obstacles and dreams really do come true when coupled with believing in oneself. I have learnt never to give up and this has changed my attitude towards life and success. Remember perseverance, commitment, dedication, determination and positive thinking are the key factors to success.The writer is a student at Kagarama Secondary School Form 6 HEG