Why don’t you want to communicate?

Dear editor, There are so many things that never cease to amaze one in this great and fast developing nation.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Dear editor,

There are so many things that never cease to amaze one in this great and fast developing nation.

If you, the reader, thought that only soldiering was the only dangerous and arduous profession, then you had better try journalism as well to get disabused.

There are many frustrating things about journalism, and if one is not truly committed, they can’t get any piece of work done.

So many times journalists have been beaten up and locked up, by over-zealous security personnel over such things like taking a photograph of a public auction of cattle.

Others have been beaten up because they have taken a picture of a police operation. Now, a seemingly innocuous situation – this time very far from dangerous; actually hilarious, if not downright piteous.

Some big wigs in this city – ministers! MPs! CEOs! Will not pick a call, because the number is not 0830, or at the very least, an MTN number.

All calls that show 05, 55 (former TERRACOM) are ignored, and investigations show that the reason is the numbers are considered exclusively owned by Baturagye (local citizens)!Those who can’t advance business deals; those who are potential relatives calling to disturb.

 No matter that this is part of communication, for which we have to be grateful since we did not have it yesterday. These big gurus will not answer anything other than an 0830.

Madam Minister Mushikiwabo, you have a very, very big task on your hands.
