Bourse turnover increases

Eight deals were recorded on the stock exchange yesterday as 3,400 Bank of Kigali and 10,400 Bralirwa shares valued at Rwf9.6m were traded.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Eight deals were recorded on the stock exchange yesterday as 3,400 Bank of Kigali and 10,400 Bralirwa shares valued at Rwf9.6m were traded.This represents a rise in turnover from Rwf3.4m recorded last Monday. Last Monday, the stock market registered three deals from 200 Bank of Kigali shares and 4,000 Bralirwa shares traded.The Rwanda Stock Exchange Share Index (RSI) remained unchanged from last Friday’s trading session of 223.54 as the most active counters, Bank of Kigali and Bralirwa remained unchanged from the previous closing prices of Rwf190 and Rwf860 respectively.Bralirwa shares traded and closed at Rwf860 whereas the Bank of Kigali counter traded at Rwf190. Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) shares last transacted at Rwf169 and those of Nation Media Group (NMG) last transacted at Rwf1,200. At the end of formal trading hours, there were outstanding offers of 959,000 Bank of Kigali (BK) shares at between Rwf189 and Rwf200 and no outstanding bids. On the Bralirwa counter, there was an outstanding offer of 400 shares at Rwf865 and an outstanding bid of 50,000 shares at Rwf850.