Residents get exotic cows

NORTHERN PROVINCE RULINDO — Residents of Base Sector, Rulindo district on Tuesday received ten Friesian cows donated under the One Cow per family programme. The ten were an addition to other 400 exotic cows donated to them earlier this year.

Friday, July 11, 2008


RULINDO — Residents of Base Sector, Rulindo district on Tuesday received ten Friesian cows donated under the One Cow per family programme. The ten were an addition to other 400 exotic cows donated to them earlier this year.

Abarwa Cooperative Society got five of the animals while Urunana Cooperative Society comprising of five people got one cow each.

"The One Cow per Family government programme is aimed at eradicating poverty and fighting malnutrition among Rwandans in rural areas,” said Justus Kangwaje, the district Mayor.

He urged the beneficiaries to take care of the cattle in order to reap milk and manure for use in their gardens. Kangwaje also urged other residents to get bank loans  to buy more cattle.

He further warned them against genocide ideology, saying it retards development and undermines the unity of Rwandans.

"Genocide ideology is the work of idle negative elements who don’t want to see Rwandans unite and progress,” he noted.

Ernest Muhire, the technical advisor of the Community Development Project (PADC) for Gicumbi and Rulindo districts advised beneficiaries to pass on to their neighbours the calf when the cows produce.

"This programme is intended to benefit the entire Rwandan community,” said Muhire, urging them to grow more cattle feeds along terraces in order to boost their milk production.

Also present at the function was the Executive Secretary for Base Sector Antoine Muhigira, and district agricultural officers.
