I hate people who...

It is that time of the year when our Muslim brothers and sisters partake in one of the pillars of Islam which is the observation of the Holy month of Ramadan. The main activity is fasting and reflection on one’s faith.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

…instantly become devout Muslims when it is Ramadan. It is that time of the year when our Muslim brothers and sisters partake in one of the pillars of Islam which is the observation of the Holy month of Ramadan. The main activity is fasting and reflection on one’s faith.

However, I cannot stop myself from hating those sinners who think they should only be faithful to their religion during this month only. Do they think that before and after this month, Allah is on a long holiday and not watching? As if that is not enough, these are the same people who will eat the most food at the end of the month. God is watching you.   

…mistake the zebra crossing for a runway. It should be clear that although it is not used by zebras it is still not made for cats or for cat walking. I am talking about the lazy bones who think it is cool to take their time as they use the zebra crossing, cat walking as drivers look on patiently.

Oh, and have you seen their stupid cousins who have the guts to even exchange hugs right there as though they were rehearsing for a joint death? Surely, is there no way these people can be offered permanent residence in the villages where they came from?

I am sure Kigali would not miss them if they relocated to a jungle in DRC or somewhere in the Sahara. 

…think it is cool to cross before or after the zebra crossing. Now these are surely moving around with a level of stupidity that is not easy to define.

Seriously, why would you ignore a clearly marked zebra crossing and try your ‘luck’ before or after the zebra crossing? Do these ignorant fellows know that such a silly move only means that they are trying to choose a spot for their death?

There is a reason a particular spot was marked for people to cross. No, it is not for zebras, you goat. It is for people so use it next time. After all it is free anyway.   

…take forever to decide what they want to eat at a buffet. Indeed, when some people are hungry it is not just the stomach that is empty, some carry very empty heads along. I am talking about those indecisive jokers who take the whole day just to decide what to put on their plate while at a buffet.

Why hold up the line just because you are thinking of whether to put white rice or brown rice? It is just food; you are not making a decision for the UN Security Council. If you are having trouble then just pick the things you have seen before and then leave. After all it is not as though you won’t be hungry tomorrow.  

…brag about a movie they have watched giving away all the details. I have decided not to watch so many new films because we live in a society full of empty heads that think it is cool to rush to the cinema, watch a film and then go talking about it everywhere as though someone is paying them to promote it.

Did you go to the cinema to watch the film or to audition for a marketing job? Do you think I will think of watching it if you have made it your job to explain everything you saw? What happened to just enjoying the movie and recommending it to others as opposed to narrating it all? Are people really this idle? 

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293