Silverbacks set to tear Bujumbura apart

THE NATIONAL rugby side, Silverbacks, will have no mercy when they take on their counterparts from Burundi this afternoon in Bujumbura as the team seeks to win the CAR Super 16 tournament.

Friday, July 12, 2013
Silverbacks demonstrating their traditional warm-up style in a past competition held at Amahoro stadium. They face Burundi this afternoon in Bujumbura. Saturday Times/File.

THE national rugby side, Silverbacks, will have no mercy when they take on their counterparts from Burundi this afternoon in Bujumbura as the team seeks to win the CAR Super 16 tournament.The 21-man squad under the tutelage of Fiji coach Simeli Mocevakaca are eager to start from where they finished in the first leg when they hit Burundi 20-00 in Kigali.Any slight mistake will see the Silverbacks lose the decisive game but if Mocevakaca’s side maintain the upbeat mood, they are destined to win by a heavier score margin.A win for Silverbacks will see Rwanda join Division 5 which has Mauritius, Reunion, Botswana, Madagascar, Zimbabwe and Zambia.The winners between Rwanda and Burundi will face the winners between Tanzania and Swaziland in the final.The African Development Trophy is a rugby Union tournament consisting of 16 teams played on the continent, formerly named the CAR Castel Beer Trophy.The tournament contains the teams in the second tier of African rugby, below those playing in the Africa Cup. The competition is divided into north and south sections with two pools of four in each section.Silverbacks team: Felix Nsengimana, Barambe Ngizwenayo, Jean Leonard Twizeyimana, Give God Niyonzima, Joe V, Papy Oliva, Abdul Karim Ngango, PatrickKazungu, Emmanuel Mugisha, Didier Kamanzi, Moise Habumugisha, Eli Filipe Mana, Marcel Cambara Koko, Lucien Bikamba, Vincent Kamali (c), Ignace Nzanzimana, Oliva Uwamahoro, Issa Gatera, Donat Kanyamahanga, Aime Ndahirwa Aime and Moise Hassan.